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  • bethan00

The Simple Solution to SPARK Joy in a Students Heart

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

Malawi is ranked as one of the LOWEST performing nations for literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa and it has some of the highest girl dropout rates.

Malawi repeatedly listed as one of the least developed countries in the world.

Education is a proven way to elevate living conditions, we see it as essential to focus our time, funds and resources on education.

Every single project we embark on, educates.

Some essentials things to know about education in Malawi:

- Primary school is free in Malawi, yet around 30-50% of young adults haven't completed primary school. Only 41% finish on time.

- In year 1, the teacher-to-student ratio can be 1:120. Learning anything as a 6-year-old in a class this size is a colossal feat.

- Malawi faces the world's worst teacher shortages.

- Classrooms are over-crowded. There are not enough toilets, no books, no desks, and no resources in nearly every rural school.

- The Government cut funding for Secondary School fee support.

- Only 16 in 100 children in Malawi get the opportunity to attend secondary school.

- 1 in 3 students dropped out of secondary school between 2020 - 2021.

These statistics are difficult to swallow, and we see the evidence every day. Getting through education in Malawi is TOUGH.

But, in Madziabango and Nankhumba it is getting easier…

We've built 4 schools, 7 libraries and furnished them with thousands of books!

Installed an IT suite in Horton CDSS.

We house and support trainee teachers.

Provide 3,351 school breakfasts to vulnerable children attending school.

Host international teachers and volunteers who give up their time and offer unique skills to share with rural schools.

AND each year, we sponsor forty places in secondary schools.

So what can you do about making access to education in Malawi stress-free and achievable for young people?

Well, secondary sponsorships come directly from you, our community of game-changing supporters.

Without your commitment, we couldn't dream of embarking on any of these programmes. So we are eager to be as transparent as possible with your support and donations.

Here is the small print:

School fees cost £10* a term, plus examination fees of £15 & £30* in Form 2 and Form 4.

Approximately £40* a year goes to the student to cover new uniforms, shoes, bags, exercise books, pens, & soap.

*All numbers are approximate due to fluctuating exchange rates

The balance of the money then covers pastoral support and administration.

Esnat checks in with the students at least once a term.She also works with families to motivate the students in their learning and commitment to school attendance and work.

Once a year in January, we send letters from the students to you, including an updated photograph.

You are welcome to write letters of encouragement throughout the year.

Some people choose not to correspond.

But we do encourage writing, as the students get to know a little about you, the person who has relieved immense financial pressure from their family!

All communication is via email through Esnat and the project office, as the postal service in Malawi is somewhat challenging.

Your commitment is for four years. The new school year starts in October. As soon as you let us know you'd like to support a student, we can begin to work with the school to grant the award to a learner in need. We will then send you an email with their details and a letter of thanks early next year!

For updates about our work in Malawi - Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on our social media channels.

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